Perfectly Managed offers Professional Organizing & Project Management

No order? Everything in the wrong place? Too much?

Perfectly Managed can transform your space by establishing order, editing, and re-homing.
We can create your perfect space!

Do you wish there were two of you
so you could complete those projects?

We can help with personalized project planning and accountability support to
complete your projects perfectly.

Feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start?
Wishing your space was different?

Perfectly Managed will partner with you to understand your needs and wants.
As no space, person, or project is the same, we tailor our approach and pace specifically to you.
Together, we will co-create the perfect plan to achieve your identified goals,
as well as provide support and resources at all stages of the process.

Are you ready for help?

Perfectly Managed is ready to help you!



    Spaces, Things, Photos, Files - Papers & Digital Residential & Business


    Closets, Playroom, Kid’s Room, Kitchen, Pantry, Office, Garage & Storage


    Move In, Move Out, Remodel, Empty-Nest, Bereavement & Change


    To-Do List, Extra Hands, Art & Memory Archive & Project Management

“Working with Jessica is a dream come true to get every space organized. She comes prepared with great organization tools, has great suggestions for how to best utilize the space, and works through all the clutter in an efficient, friendly and non-judgmental manner. Heck, I dare say she made the projects, which seemed daunting initially, almost fun! And I can’t stop marveling at the end result. I highly recommend Jessica for all your organization projects.”
— M. F.

Owned by Jessica C. Erskine, Perfectly Managed specializes in professional organizing and project management for individuals and small businesses.

Inspired by the parable, The Perfect Heart Jessica looks beyond first appearances and sees the potential. She gives a piece of her heart to all her projects and earns her client’s trust and appreciation. 

Being organized is not putting something in its place just once, it’s a process, it’s lifestyle, and it’s different for everyone. Jessica discovers what works best for her clients and tailors her approach and pace to their specific needs, goals, and style.

Perfectly Managed alleviates the hassle and unpleasantness from disorganization and too many projects. The perfect plan is co-created with the client to achieve their desired outcome. Support and creative resources are provided throughout the process.

Even on a budget, it's cost effective to work with Perfectly Managed, as we will save you time, energy, and maybe even money with Re-Sell opportunities.